Following our article of March 27th announcing the call for Applications for the “Prix Pierre Castel 2019“, we are delighted to announce that Dr. Mfondoum Diana and Mousseni André Serge are the two selected candidates from Cameroon. Dr. Mfondoum‘s whose project is on Manufacturing and marketing of Moringa Herbal tea while that of Mousseni is about the production and marketing of Pepper from Ndikiniméki.

The “Prix Pierre Castel” is an initiative setup by the Pierre Castel Bordeaux/Africa to support projects initiated by young African Entrepreneurs, in the fields of Agriculture and Agribusiness, two sectors with high added value and factors of creation of wealth and poverty reduction in Africa.
After the interview by the Cameroon jury, the projects of Dr. Mfondoum and Mousseni met the standards according to the purpose of the fund and they were selected to present same to the great jury of Bordeaux in September 2019 in the presence of Mr. Pierre Castel, President of the Pierre Castel Fund and all transportation and accommodation of candidates will be handled by the Pierre Castel Fund.
In a recent Facebook post, the SABC Group sent congratulatory messages to the two candidates selected for the final round and encouraged the eight other candidates who were not selected to continue in the path of constant search for performance to reinforce their entrepreneurial spirit.
Recall that The 2018 edition which had 40 projects in competition saw 29 year old Kouatcha Flavien emerge as winner thanks to his startup “Save our agriculture” specializing in aquaponics. He was sponsored by Mr. André SIAKA and received the sum of CFA 10 Million during an award ceremony at the Chamber of Commerce in Bordeaux, France in the presence of Mr. Pierre Castel, President of the Endowment Fund.