This is the 2nd Episode of the Lamentation Project by Zita Light intended to rally the humanity in the most African way, to lift up their cry for help to God concerning the present deplorable state of our world.
This is dedicated to the Victims of the recent Ngarbuh Ntumbor massacre and the uncountable numbers whose lives have been claimed in the ongoing Crisis in Nkwen Bamenda, NorthWest Region and SouthWest Region of Cameroon.
Done in the Nkwen dialect from where Zita Light hails, Nsankwi2, paints a world destroyed and going down the drain by day due to fallen moral standards and a stray from Divine values. Crying for Jesus Christ our most reliable WoodSplitter (Nsankwi) to have mercy on us,carry our cry to God for immediate divine intervention.
Watch and Download MP3 below.